Web Transport Requirements
Fast, efficient transaction support
- Current work in the IETF and elsewhere is already addressing
how to make transactions fast on the Internet, including the following
two issues.
- Start data send before connection is up
- Don't re-establish state
Supporting speculative traffic
- Several ways of using speculation are being developed in the
Web. Speculation requires a way to send traffic in background,
to not affect (foreground) direct requests and responses, or other
non-Web traffic.
- Differentiate prefetching and preloading vs. direct transfers
Supporting speculative transfers
- The file transfer protocol itself can be modified to
operate more efficiently for speculative traffic.
- Speculative traffic can affect the file transfer protocol
Fast, efficient transaction support
This page written and maintained by the
Joe Touch.
Please mail me any problems with or
comments about this page.
Last modified Mar. 21, 1996.